Who We Are




888 17th Street, N.W.
Suite 1050
Washington, D.C. 20006
phone: (202) 625-7700
fax: (202) 625-7706

Our attorneys offer more than 70 years of combined experience in representing hospitality industry clients. Although we are perhaps best known for representing licensees and license applicants before the District of Columbia Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board, our practice encompasses “start to finish” legal representation of restaurants, hotels, bars, nightclubs, and liquor stores. Included in our range of services are assistance with the business acquisition, entity formation and organization, leasing, business licensing and permitting and litigation needs of our clients. We will welcome the opportunity to review with you contemplated liquor ventures or issues confronting established businesses in the District of Columbia.

Steve O'Brien - sobrien@malliosobrien.com
Mark (Chipp) Sandground, Jr. - msandground@malliosobrien.com
Manalle Mahmoud - mmahmoud@malliosobrien.com
Matt Minora - mminora@malliosobrien.com
Olivette Lomax - olomax@malliosobrien.com
Michael Fonseca - Michael is on medical leave. Communications to Michael should be directed to sobrien@malliosobrien.com